Silvia Gentilcore

I completed my studies in veterinary medicine and my dissertation on “CO2 laser surgery in small animal odontostomatology” at the University of Camerino (Italy) in 2008. After working in various practices and veterinary clinics, including the internal medicine at Tierspital Bern, I stood in for Felix Graf during his illness in 2012 and later worked with him until the birth of my first child. After that I worked part-time as a small animal vet in Glarnerland. In November 2015  I took over the practice of Dr. Felix Graf.

I have developed a special interest in internal medicine, dentistry and small pets like rodents.

I spend my free time with my family, my two children, our Bernese mountain dog and our four cats.


Our team

Julia Lienert-Malik
Katerina Pomitkina-Godat
Ines Berthel-Bosshart
Qualified veterinary practice assistant EFZ with X-ray authorization
Petra Frick
Certified Veterinary Practice Assistant with X-ray Authorization
Chiara Hanselmann
Qualified veterinary practice assistant EFZ with X-ray authorization
Aileen Kindle
TPA in training